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Sunday 3 January 2010

LBC 97.3 FM... London's Biggest Conversation... Britain's Biggest Problem...

May I take this chance, to wish all my readers a happy and prosperous new year. I do hope 2010, is a better year than the shambles we had in 2009.

Like many intelligent people, I listen to LBC 97.3 FM on a regular basis. I thoroughly enjoy the relevant topics, the active listener interaction and the enormous variety of presenters. But, I hate listening to it just as much as I love it.

LBC 97.3 FM is a conversation based radio channel that brings up a topic relevant in the news and encourages people to ring in and voice their opinions on the same said topic. This is in effect a debate. And it’s ingenious. Because individual human nature is completely different from person to person, it means that all aspects and viewpoints are looked at on an even scale. The listener rings in, expresses his or her viewpoint, answers a few questions from the presenters and then a next caller is taken, and the whole process is repeated again numerous times. This would be great, if the presenter’s weren’t complete idiots.

Ideally, to be a presenter on LBC, you have to be extremely well educated, extremely opinionated, extremely annoying, extremely boring and extremely middle class. Naturally people that fit this bill, have mindsets that are completely unchangeable. This is otherwise known as ignorant. They simply refuse to accept any variation of thinking other than their own. They are the kind of people that are sub-consciously stuck in 1960's England. They don’t really like the idea of change, and will argue their point to the death or until you stop listening. The problem with this is, when the caller calls in to voice an opinion that goes against the presenter’s dinosaur age way of thinking, they are made to feel 2 cm tall. They are made to feel like their point isn’t really relevant and ultimately that they are wrong. The presenters take what the listener says, and then tears it apart in an intellectual way. They pick out small details and dismiss the entire concept of what is trying to be said in a way that generally the listener doesn’t really grasp.

Apart from the fact that the presenters are dinosaurs, this is done to create something to talk about. At what cost? Yes I will have to agree that if the presenters said “I take what you’re saying on board” and moved on the shows wouldn’t last very long and might be a tad boring. But on the other hand, for the sake of ratings the callers are left slightly offended, and if they are anything like me; completely annoyed. Unfortunately this is the issue with the society that we live in today; its run entirely by middle class England who don’t really have a clue about extreme social interaction. For instance if you ask someone on the presentation team at LBC what they think about people that wear hooded jumpers i.e. Hoodies, I’m sure the answer would offend a whole heap of people. For instance, I’m educated, I’m intelligent, I’m great at social interaction, I have hobbies, I have interests, I don’t hang around on street corners and I have a job... But more often than not, you can find me here in my hoodie with a massive smile on my face, more comfortable than ever. In fact; I’m wearing one right now. That’s my point, middle class England looks down on the working class in a truly disturbing way. And more often than not, they are wrong. Middle class England, are also famous for forgetting that there is a class above them. To make matters worse, because of the way the media is designed, the listeners on LBC are somewhat brain-washed into believing the dinosaur’s way of thinking. This in media studies is called The Hypodermic Needle Theory. This is the concept that the media is like injecting a drug into all its listeners, and making them believe what the institutions want them to.

I’m not going mad here, and I don’t think that they world is one big conspiracy theory. But I do think that middle class England need reining in; a lot. They aren’t always correct and are more often incorrect in their assumptions and generalisations.

LBC 97.3 FM then, is a radio station aimed at middle class England, created to berate and belittle working class England. Do you know what, I listen everyday and I think it’s bloody great!


  1. Id be tempted to listen to but if as you say the presenters are quite so closed minded , i feel i would proberly get more frustrated that its worth lol x

  2. Lol yeah but its worth a look! dont knock it till you have tried it!
